
Scope Ratings upgrades FnacFR’s credit rating from BBB- to BBB, consolidating its position in the “Investment grade” category

FnacFR announces that Scope has upgraded the Group’s long-term credit rating to BBB with a stable outlook. This rating enables the Group to consolidate its “Investment grade” positioning.

This upgrade follows that of Standard & Poor’s on March 22 and is a sign of full recognition of the Group’s financial strength and the robustness of its business model in a context marked by two years of health crisis.

FnacFR is now rated BBB, BB+ and Ba2 by Scope Ratings, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s respectively, all three with a stable outlook.

This upgrade of FnacFR’s credit rating by the Scope Ratings agency, together with that of S&P, validates the relevance of the Group’s strategy, as well as its sound financial management thanks to a long-term maturity profile in line with the cash-flow generation capacities announced during the Everyday strategic plan.

Jean-Brieuc Le Tinier, Chief Financial Officer of FnacFR