Human capital

Gender parity is gaining ground at FnacFR

In 2023, FnacFR continued to make inroads toward gender parity thanks to the strong measures it has put in place over the past three years.

This improvement can be seen in all the following areas:

  • the number of female managers, with 38.9% in 2023 up from 37.6% in 2022
  • the number of female store managers, with 26.2% in 2023 up from 23.6% in 2022
  • the number of women in the Leadership Group, with 33.2% in 2023 up from 30.3% in 2022

Furthermore, FnacFR was ranked 24 out of 120 in the Palmarès de la féminisation des instances dirigeantes des entreprises du SBF 120, a ranking of the top 120 French listed companies based on the proportion of women in executive positions that was set up in 2013 — in other words, 23 places higher than the previous year, with a score of 79.74/100 (+9.76 points).

Among the key drivers for gender parity is the Group’s dedicated Ex Aequo network. Created in March 2021, after nearly three years it now counts more than 220 members, both male and female, and is a major asset. It boasts a governance model structured around a steering committee, which includes male and female employees representing different departments and professions, as well as a board made up of five members of the Executive Committee. The network aims to break down barriers to gender parity and support women’s careers within the Group.

Femme souriant sur un chariot élévateur dans un centre de logistique

In parallel, FnacFR is rolling out development and outreach programs for female leadership that give participants the tools and information they need to make informed choices about their career paths, thereby making it easier to reach more senior positions.