
FnacFR is implementing the L’ARRONDI solidaire scheme from microDON

From February 1, 2022, FnacFR will offer Fnac store customers the choice to round up their checkout purchases to the nearest euro. The aim is to fund practical actions that support young people who have dropped out of school, women hoping to pursue careers in tech and exiles reintegrating into working life.

As part of this campaign, FnacFR has set up the L’ARRONDI solidaire scheme, developed by microDON*, on its electronic payment machines. Technical support was provided by Worldline, a company that makes collecting donations at checkouts easier and has already proven its worth.

As the health crisis has made the situations of vulnerable populations even more precarious, this scheme will help finance actions that strengthen their inclusion through employment, thanks to the support and expertise of the association Un Rien C’est Tout*, which makes this generosity possible.

By implementing microDON’s L’ARRONDI solidaire scheme in many Fnac stores, FnacFR is not only pursuing its social commitment to support society’s most vulnerable groups, in collaboration with key associations; it is also taking a step closer to institutionalizing its solidarity actions and practices.

Géraldine Olivier, CSR Director at FnacFR

For Cécile Duffau, President of Un Rien C’est Tout: “Thanks to microDON’s technology and FnacFR’s involvement in the scheme, we are creating a virtuous circle of generosity to increase the efficiency of donations, with the main goal of carrying out socially responsible projects with a much greater social impact and providing help to many of those who need it (unfortunately, there are more and more of them with every day that passes).”  

For Mathieu Jubré, Partner and Marketing Director of MicroDON: “We are delighted to support FnacFR’s social commitment by implementing the L’ARRONDI solidaire scheme in Fnac stores. The potential impact of this on associations and their beneficiaries is huge. This first campaign marks the start of a wonderful partnership and a new milestone in encouraging generosity at checkouts! 

*Founded in 2009, microDON is an ESUS (Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale — a French classification for companies whose primary aim is to benefit society) and a subsidiary of the KissKissBankBank & Co. group. It offers innovative solutions to make solidarity commitments easier and encourages collaboration for the good of everyone. MicroDON is the force behind L’ARRONDI, the first participatory donation solution to be embedded into French daily life. It provides the opportunity to make a micro-donation. All of these daily donations are paid to charitable associations in a quick and easy way.

*Un Rien C’est Tout is a non-profit association created in September 2016, whose mission is to take action alongside partner associations to enable specific, practical and budgeted actions to be carried out. Un Rien C’est Tout aims to make generosity accessible to all.